Start From The Right Place…

The man stops his car and asks the pedestrian… “can you direct me to the Maternity Hospital”.
The old man scratches his chin and replies… “Mmmm, if I was going to the Hospital I wouldn’t start from here!”

I am sitting at my desk scratching my head. I’ve been given some client written copy which has (surprise surprise) two women talking to each other. One of them has incredible knowledge about the client’s products and services… and… as usual… can reel off the phone number. I would love to meet this lady, she has amazing mental capacity.

I have been asked by my client, a production house, to “tidy up the copy”…. or “make it into a 30”.

The problem is, to get to where the client needs to be with a script, I wouldn’t start here! The device being used is one to shoe horn lots of FEATURES about the client. Frankly the listener doesn’t CARE about all the things the client does… they care about the problems in their lives.

If I have a problem with transport I want to know that I can get a car for just 50 quid a week… i don’t want to know that they also do parts, servicing, MOTs, etc… how does that solve my problem.

Many clients try to say EVERYTHING and the listener hears nothing.

It’s best to keep the brief simple and irresistable. From there, with a good radio creative, you will get great radio ads.

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